Monday, December 10, 2012

Oh, Woe Is This Holiday Season...

The holidays are rough for most empty nesters I would imagine.  Maybe not, I don't know.

I am not obsessed with the lives of my children, I've raised them to be strong, independent and happy, I think.  Right now it's my son I'm most concerned about.  When I sent him to Florida, it was with the understanding that he would live with his dad and his fiance (of about five years) and her daughter, who is about a year younger than my son.  And when his father was away on a flight, yes he's back to work, my son would be with her and that would be okay.  He already knew her and everything seemed fine.  It was fine, but now, to me, it ISN'T.  About four months ago I found out that my ex and his fiance broke up and she moved out!  So naturally I want to know - WHO is with my son when his father is out flying?  Sometimes he's gone for two or three weeks, then he's home for the same amount of time.  Sometimes longer.  No one wants to answer my question, except to say that everything is FINE?  Apparently he has a male roommate who he's known for many years staying there and he helps out, and the ex fiance is still involved, but all of this is just not good enough for me and is negligent too I think!  My son is only sixteen years old.  Half of the time I can't get through to anyone - my son will respond to a text once in awhile.  Once in a blue moon I'll get him on the phone, but if I ask any REAL questions, he clams up.  He doesn't want to tell me anything, I think for fear of his father finding out.  What if there was a medical emergency?  There is no one there who can sign for my son or make medical decisions!

I don't know what to do.  I can't afford an attorney, I don't have a home for him to come to at the moment, I don't even have a job.  I worry constantly.  By the way, I don't use drugs or alcohol, maybe I should! I've never been in any trouble with the law.  My only crime is falling on financial hard times and being so overwhelmed that I fell into a deep abyss of depression and could barely cope.  I am trying every day to put the pieces back together again but I feel that I am losing valuable time with my son.  What if something happens to him?  What if he get's into trouble?  I think a boy his age needs constant supervision and boundaries.  I think his father gives him that when he's around, but what about when he's NOT around?  And I too feel negligent,  I should be able to step in and legally have a say and do what's best for my son, but I can't.  Oh, what am I to do?  All I can do right now is pray fervently for the safety of my son.

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