Saturday, December 8, 2012

A Wandering Soul...

I'm not sure if it matters but...  Back a few years ago, when I was working as a Realtor in a declining market and trying to raise three children on my own, and take care of a house, the property, a mortgage, and everything else that goes along with that, my child support was the cushion I needed to keep things going.  Now I know, many airlines were having difficulty at the time, and that my ex-husband's company and position as a captain of a international cargo airline went bye-bye when his company went bankrupt, and that things were tough all over but...  He went and filed for a reduction in child support, which he was awarded, which took some time to take effect, and when it finally did, the difference went retroactive and created a negative balance in his favor.  Long story short, he got out of paying me child support for almost a year.  He was hardly ever in town to see or help out with the kids too, as he had taken up residence in Miami. Part of me was glad not to have him around, the other half was exhausted for never having a bread from the kids!  This created a real burden and a financial and an emotional hardship on me and I began to get severely depressed, even more than I had been before the aftermath of a hellacious marriage!

It was the trickle-down effect of the economy, a bad marriage, loss of employment and lies, lies and more lies.

Everything I had been working so hard for was slowly going down the drain.

I kept my worries from the kids as best as I could, but I did not hide the seriousness of the situation either.  In between times of the stark reality of what was happening.  I continued to be a dutiful loving mother, who for the first time in my life had to stand in a welfare line.

As if things weren't bad enough.  I found out nearly a year later that my ex had purchased THREE T-Mobile stores in Miami!  Yeah, one of the kids let it slip that he would be selling one or two of them and I was shocked!  I was devastated that not only had the kids and I had to suffer as we were, but that he had actually involved the kids in this deception!  I felt betrayed by everyone!  I asked the kids why they hadn't told me, as they knew how bad things were, and they just said what they were programmed to say, that dad really didn't make any money off of this investment and he was having a hard time too!  HARD time?  Ha!  I could not believe this was happening to me and that he was getting away with it.  I couldn't even afford an attorney to take him to court for all he had done!  Get this.  He has and has had two condos in Tallmadge, where I lived, as income properties, which he claimed were upside down, but he WAS collecting rent, three T-Mobile stores, he lived in a three income condo in Miami,  his girlfriend worked plus they had a roommate AND - now this is the kicker!  HE was collecting unemployment from the state of Virginia, which was where his company had been based, which was totally illegal!

I may be wrong, but one does not usually purchase a third T-Mobile store, unless they other two were doing well?

This wasn't ABOUT the kids, this was about HIM making ME suffer, which consequently hurt us all.

This was the beginning of the end of a life time of stability and happiness I had made for the kids and I.  I still just could not even believe it.

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