Sunday, December 2, 2012

A Cherished Memory...

My son has, or at least he had, only a few short years ago, a special knack for picking four leaf clover.  It was amazing, he would just be running across the yard and announce in passing that he'd seen several four leaf clover a ways back, and didn't have time to pick them!  And he wasn't just saying that - he picked them for me all of the time.  One year on mother's day, he was waiting for me to pick him up from his father's home (when he still lived in Ohio) and he gave me a little box of four leaf clover. When I counted them, there were thirty!  How does this happen?  In all of my life and all of my childhood searching I could not find a single one!  My son is a good boy and I miss him so much. I've often called him "lucky Tommy."

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