Saturday, November 24, 2012


Ahhhh...  The kick-off of the holiday season!

Such a bleak November day here in Northeast Ohio.  Normally, I love all seasons and all types of weather, unless I am contemplating  the void in my heart, which is quite often...

I feel like I have been robbed of the finish line and everything I have worked so hard to accomplish with my children as a family.  It didn't have to be this way.  I was doing fine on my own, after the divorce, that is, if you don't count the two years I didn't even go out on a date for fear that my psycho ex husband would go ballistic and kill someone! SERIOUSLY!  Obviously, he didn't want the divorce.

I swear to god!  Fucking crack addicts seem to have it easier than what I've been through!  I have been ostracized, ridiculed and over time I have been treated like  a social pariah by my family because  I chose another way.  I just wanted to be happy, the kids and I.  And I wanted to disassociate myself from the nightmares of my past.

I let the kids think that everything was normal with my family, for the sake of there normalcy?  Is that where I went wrong?

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